Have no plans on the weekends/ you just want to channel your inner artistic side of you? Well, you can join Cause Corps events!
“One of the greatest gifts you can give is your time”
I am always seeking for activities that will keep me on my toes. I love to meet new people, doing something new and even more when it is giving back to society. Luckily I know this application called MeetUp (check it out here), where it simply a platform for people to promote events that they are hosting. I found out about a group called ‘Micro-Volunteering CauseCorps Sydney’ and decided to join them.
Cause Corps is a global group of passionate volunteers that focuses on micro-volunteering. This means that the action of volunteering is free, have low time commitment and create a direct impact (CauseCorps, 2017). Apart from being able to drop-by whenever I want to, Cause Corps has plenty of volunteering activities to choose from. They are; knitting beanies for babies, write postcards and colour sheets. Since Cause Corps is located all over the world, their volunteering activities would differ from one country to the other. As such, what we do in Australia might be different from Singapore’s.
I’ve joined 2 of their activities which are writing postcards and creating colour sheet. The postcards are dedicated to long-term sick or terminally ill children throughout the world. Once we settled down, we were given a list of children’s name- some with photos, some without, their address, hobby, likes and maybe random facts about themselves. Most of us decided to get creative by drawing their favourite cartoon characters and motivational simple messages. I love children, I always told my friends that babies and children are my kryptonite. Creating these postcards almost makes me feel a tiny bit selfish- as it makes myself happy as well. Just imagine you as a kid- you woke up one morning and received a postcard from strangers. They drew the cartoon character that you love, wrote messages that would uplift your mood. That would definitely be the highlight of my day. After drawing, CauseCorps will provide all the materials needed such as an endless supply of markers- and they will send the postcard as well.
Another event that I joined is creating colour sheets for adults at risk. For this activity, CauseCorps partnered with Spires, a South-London based charity that focuses on homeless and disadvantaged people. We created adult colouring sheets for them to relax and have fun. No or limited drawing skills like me? No worries, you can thank Google for inspirations. Look at what I created!
I thoroughly really enjoy myself doing these projects. Not only it makes the final recipients happy, it makes me happy too knowing that I helped someone. Whether it is to brighten a child’s day by sending lovable postcards or to help an adult to have time for themselves, I recommend you to join CauseCorps!
You can find out more about them and their upcoming events in Sydney here and join me if you can!
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Appreciate it! Thanks a lot !